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Ottercreek Woodworks

FeatureOxford County Cheese Trail

Oxford County Cheese Trail

“Off to make a charcuterie board! At Ottercreek Woodworks Inc.‘s From Tree to Table we walk through the calm of the Carolinian forest to learn about the surrounding nature while snacking on locally baked Dutch stroopwaffels and plucking leaves to steep in our tea. Drinking in our walk in the woods, we then choose from local, sustainably harvested boards to carve in the workshop. I’m partial to cherry wood. Time flies when you’re sanding, and it’s wonderfully meditative to chisel at the knots, split the bark with a vintage drawknife, sand and polish a beautiful piece of wood to all its lustre.”

– Adam Waxman, Award-Winning Travel Journalist

Perfectly timed, a cornucopia of local produce, cheese and meats is set on the most gorgeously carved boards that set our palates and imaginations whirling. We sample Gunn’s Hill’s Cabernet Merlot-soaked, cedar-aged Tipsy. Modelled after the Swiss Mutchli, its buttery notes are sealed in an essence of wine that creates quite a unique and pleasing effect. Another rich and creamy Swiss-influenced cheese is 5 Brothers, hand-crafted washed-rind cow’s milk, combining Appenzeller with Gouda. I could be happy with a brick of this.


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